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  • Product #1231


    StaroPrazske Lager

    20/500 ml


    12% Plato


    Staroprazske Lager is a light beer with an inviting amber tint. It boasts a pronounced bitterness and a delightful malt flavor. The taste and aroma of black malt are evident, complemented by a bittersweet caramel aftertaste. 

    This traditional and long-standing successful brand from Novopacký Pivovar is renowned for its quality. Our Lager is a pale lager with a full, excellent flavor and a striking golden color.

    Adhering to time-honoured brewing methods, we use only first-class ingredients and meticulously follow production procedures. This commitment ensures the high quality of our beer, even after enduring several weeks of transport to distant destinations.

    Crafted with precision, the beer is aged in cellars for no less than 2 months, allowing it to develop its rich and complex flavor profile.

NorthStar Distribution, LLC

Phone: 443-438-9042   

Fax: 443-449-7238


5414 Pulaski Hwy,

Baltimore, MD 21205

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